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istio in action pdf free download

In the previous post, Istio: an overview and running Service Mesh in Kubernetes, we started Istion io AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service and got an overview of its main components.

The next task is to add an AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) before Istio Ingress Gateway because Istio Gateway Service with its default type LoadBalancer creates an AWS Classic LoadBalancer, where we can attach only one SSL certificate from Amazon Certificate Manager.

Currently, traffic in our applications is working with the following flow:

  • in a Helm chart of an application, we have defined Ingress and Service, this Ingress creates AWS Application LoadBalancer with SSL
  • a pocket from the ALB is sent to an application's Service
  • via this Service, it is sent to a Pod with the application

Now, let's add Istio in here.

The idea is next:

  • install Istion, it will create Istio Ingress Gateway – its Service and Pod
  • in a Helm chart of the application will have Ingress, Service, and Gateway with VirtualService for the Istio Ingress Gateway
  • Ingress of the application will create an ALB where SSL termination is done, traffic inside of the cluster will be sent via HTTP
  • a packet from the ALB will be sent to the Istio Ingress Gateway's Pod
  • from the Istio Ingress Gateway following the rules defined in the Gateway and VirtualService of the application it will be sent to the Service of the application
  • and from this Service to the Pod of the application

To do so we need to:

  1. add an Ingress to create an ALB with the ALB Ingress controller
  2. update a Service of the Istio Ingress Gateway, and instead of the LoadBalancer type will set the NodePort, so AWS ALB Ingress Controller can create a TargetGroup to be used with the ALB
  3. deploy a test application with a common Kubernetes Service
  4. for the testing application need to create a Gateway and VirtualService that will configure Envoy of the Istio Ingress Gateway to route traffic to the Service of the application

Let's go.

Updating Istio Ingress Gateway

Istio we've installed in the previous chapter, so now we have an Istio Ingress Gateway with a Service with the LoadBalancer type:

kubectl -n istio-system get svc istio-ingressgateway

NAME                   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                             PORT(S)                                                                      AGE

istio-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer   a6f***   15021:30218/TCP,80:31246/TCP,443:30486/TCP,15012:32445/TCP,15443:30154/TCP   25h

Need to change it and set the Service type to the NodePort, this can be done with the istioctl and --set:

istioctl install --set profile=default --set values.gateways.istio-ingressgateway.type=NodePort -y

✔ Istio core installed

✔ Istiod installed

✔ Ingress gateways installed

✔ Installation complete

Check the Service:

kubectl -n istio-system get svc istio-ingressgateway

NAME                   TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                                      AGE

istio-ingressgateway   NodePort   <none>        15021:30218/TCP,80:31246/TCP,443:30486/TCP,15012:32445/TCP,15443:30154/TCP   25h

NodePort, good – all done here.

Istio Ingress Gateway and AWS Application LoadBalancer health checks

But here is a question: how can we perform Health checks on the AWS Application LoadBalancer, as Istio Ingress Gateway uses a set of TCP ports – 80 for incoming traffic, and 12021 for its status checks?

If we will set the annotation in our Ingress, then ALB Ingress Controller will just ignore it without any message to its logs. The Ingress will be created, but a corresponding AWS LoadBalancer will not.

A solution was googled on Github – Health Checks do not work if using multiple pods on routes: move health-checks related annotations to the Service of the Istio Gateway.

So, edit the istio-ingressgateway Service :

kubectl -n istio-system edit svc istio-ingressgateway

In its spec.ports find the status-port and its nodePort:

... spec:   clusterIP:   externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster   ports:   - name: status-port     nodePort: 30218     port: 15021     protocol: TCP     targetPort: 15021 ...

To configure the get a readinessProbe from the  Deployment, which creates pods with the istio-ingressgateway:

kubectl -n istio-system get deploy istio-ingressgateway -o yaml



failureThreshold: 30


path: /healthz/ready


Set annotations for the istio-ingressgateway Service: in the healthchek-port set the nodePort from the status-port, and in the healthcheck-path – a path from the readinessProbe:

... /healthz/ready "30218" ...

Now, during the creation of the Ingress, our ALB Ingress Controller will find a Service, specified in the backend.serviceName of the Ingress manifest, will read its annotations, and will apply the to a TargetGroup attached to the ALB.

When this will be deployed with Helm, those annotations can be set via values.gateways.istio-ingressgateway.serviceAnnotations.

Create an Ingress and its AWS Application LoadBalancer

Next, add an Ingress – this will be our primary LoadBalancer of the application with the SSL termination.

Here, set an ARN of the SSL certificate from the AWS Certificate Manager. The Ingress must be created in the istio-system namespace as it needs to access the istio-ingressgateway Service:

--- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata:   name: test-alb   namespace: istio-system   annotations:     # create AWS Application LoadBalancer alb     # external type internet-facing     # AWS Certificate Manager certificate's ARN "arn:aws:acm:eu-west-3:***:certificate/fcaa9fd2-1b55-48d7-92f2-e829f7bafafd"     # open ports 80 and 443 '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS":443}]'     # redirect all HTTP to HTTPS '{"Type": "redirect", "RedirectConfig": { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "Port": "443", "StatusCode": "HTTP_301"}}'     # ExternalDNS settings: "" spec:   rules:   - http:       paths:         - path: /*           backend:             serviceName: ssl-redirect             servicePort: use-annotation         - path: /*           backend:             serviceName: istio-ingressgateway             servicePort: 80

Deploy it:

kubectl apply -f test-ingress.yaml

ingress.extensions/test-alb created

Check the Ingress in the istio-system namespace:

kubectl -n istio-system get ingress

NAME       CLASS    HOSTS   ADDRESS                                 PORTS   AGE

test-alb   <none>   *       cc2***   80      2m49s

And our AWS ALB is created:

In its Health checks of the TargetGroup we can see our TCP port and URI:

And targets are Healthy:

Check a domain, which was created from the annotation of the Ingress, see the Kubernetes: update AWS Route53 DNS from an Ingress post for more details on this:

curl -I

HTTP/2 502

server: awselb/2.0

Grate! It's working, we just have no application running behind the Gateway, so it even has no TCP port 80 Listener:

istioctl proxy-config listeners -n istio-system  istio-ingressgateway-d45fb4b48-jsz9z

ADDRESS PORT  MATCH DESTINATION 15021 ALL   Inline Route: /healthz/ready* 15090 ALL   Inline Route: /stats/prometheus*

But 15021 is already opened and health checks are working.

A testing application

Describe a common application – one namespace, two pods with the nginxdemos/hello image, and a Service:

---          apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata:   name: test-ns   labels:     istio-injection:       enabled --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata:   name: test-deploy   namespace: test-ns   labels:     app: test-app     version: v1 spec:    replicas: 2   selector:     matchLabels:       app: test-app   template:     metadata:       labels:         app: test-app         version: v1     spec:        containers:       - name: web         image: nginxdemos/hello         ports:         - containerPort: 80         resources:           requests:             cpu: 100m             memory: 100Mi         readinessProbe:           httpGet:             path: /             port: 80 --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata:   name: test-svc   namespace: test-ns spec:      selector:     app: test-app   ports:     - name: http       protocol: TCP       port: 80       targetPort: 80        

Deploy it:

kubectl apply -f test-ingress.yaml

ingress.extensions/test-alb configured

namespace/test-ns created

deployment.apps/test-deploy created

service/test-svc created

But our ALB still gives us 502 errors as we didn't configure Istio Ingress Gateway yet.

Istio Gateway configuration

Describe a Gateway and VirtualService.

In the Gateway set a port to listen on, 80, and an Istio Ingress to be configured – the ingressgateway. In the spec.servers.hosts field set our testing domain:

--- apiVersion: kind: Gateway metadata:   name: test-gateway   namespace: test-ns spec:    selector:     istio: ingressgateway   servers:   - port:       number: 80       name: http       protocol: HTTP     hosts:     - ""


kubectl apply -f test-ingress.yaml

ingress.extensions/test-alb configured

namespace/test-ns unchanged

deployment.apps/test-deploy configured

service/test-svc unchanged created

Check the listeners of the Istio Ingress Gateway one more time:

istioctl proxy-config listeners -n istio-system  istio-ingressgateway-d45fb4b48-jsz9z

ADDRESS PORT  MATCH DESTINATION 8080  ALL   Route: http.80 15021 ALL   Inline Route: /healthz/ready* 15090 ALL   Inline Route: /stats/prometheus*

The TCP port 80 is here now, but traffic is routed to nowhere:

istioctl proxy-config routes -n istio-system  istio-ingressgateway-d45fb4b48-jsz9z

NOTE: This output only contains routes loaded via RDS.

NAME        DOMAINS     MATCH                  VIRTUAL SERVICE

http.80     *           /*                     404

*           /healthz/ready*

*           /stats/prometheus*

And if access our domain now, will get the 404, but this time not from the awselb/2.0 but from the istio-envoy, as the request is reaching the Ingress Gateway Pod:

curl -I

HTTP/2 404

date: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 11:02:57 GMT

server: istio-envoy

Istio VirtualService configuration

In the VirtualService specify a Gateway to apply routes to, and the route itself – send all traffic to the Service of our application:

--- apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata:   name: test-virtualservice   namespace: test-ns spec:    hosts:   - ""   gateways:   - test-gateway   http:   - match:      - uri:            prefix: /     route:     - destination:         host: test-svc         port:           number: 80        

Deploy, and check Istio Ingress Gateway routs again:

istioctl proxy-config routes -n istio-system  istio-ingressgateway-d45fb4b48-jsz9z

NOTE: This output only contains routes loaded via RDS.

NAME        DOMAINS                           MATCH                  VIRTUAL SERVICE

http.80     /*                     test-virtualservice.test-ns

Now we can see that there is a route to our testing application, and then to the testing pods:

curl -I

HTTP/2 200

date: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 11:06:52 GMT

content-type: text/html

server: istio-envoy

All done.

Also published on Medium.

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